… I’m on Bloglovin

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YAY! Ok, maybe I’m getting too excited about the fact that I found Bloglovin and that I’m most certainly obsessed with this website. Upon minutes of my registration I was already following 100 blogs. But seriously, people, how neat is this website? It let’s you follow blogs directly through their platform and you no longer have to bookmark your “go-to-blogs” in your browser, BUT instead you can read the newest posts directly on there. HERRO?!!! This is exactly what I needed – and what you need probably too.

I definitely do sound like a newbie, when getting excited about a website that has a gazillion users and I’m the last one to jump on the bandwagon, but who cares? What matters is that I’m part of it too and that you can find my blog on there as well. 🙂

Happy Sunday!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

About Miss Freckle

IMG_7121Hi guys,

This is another attempt of documenting my life and the ups and downs of this freckled journey I am on. My name is Sam, I obviously don’t need to tell you what it’s short for.

The reason why now is the perfect time to start a blog about life, love, soul-searching, and all of the other violently beautiful things on this planet, is because I got laid off. Boo hoo. Yeah, getting laid off pretty much sucks. You get up in the morning, go to work, even stop by that organic bakery you always get your latte from in the mornings and two hours later, your CEO mumbles a sorry excuse for letting a third of the company go. So while the first couple of days you’re confused and don’t even know what to do next, about a week after getting laid off you adapt a pretty gnarly gipsy mentality. Here’s where I am at right now. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that I need a 9-5 job to cover bills and expenses, but at the same time I feel free. Free of all of the things that were weighing me down just about two weeks ago. Continue reading